FBC Belize Mission Team

FBC Belize Mission Team
FBC Belize Team from left to right: Miles Dory, Patricia Clevenger, Landan Dory, Alex Smith, Brianna Dory, and Lucretia Franklin

Monday, May 30, 2011

Belize Mission Introduction

After weeks of preparation, the time for our trip is upon us – how quickly it has arrived! With piles of clothing, rain gear, work boots and shoes, toiletries, and various other items spread across the living room floor, I am surveying the options and estimating weight – the trunk’s, not mine! The 50 pound limit seems reasonable until you add a pair of steel-toed boots that feel like 25 pounds. But, that is part of the process – collecting, coordinating, organizing, assimilating, deciding and acting. From our groundwork to our mission work, we will follow that same path to taking our love and message of Jesus Christ to the people groups in the remote areas surrounding Punta Gorda, Belize in Central America.

Working with Toledo Christian Academy & Mission, we will have a building project as well as the opportunity to have prayer time with the staff, to share Bible stories with the students, to assist with their graduation and to help prepare the school for closing during the off months. In addition to this specified time, we will also take the occasion to prayer walk and reach out to the primary cultural groups of the Maya Mopan, Kekchi and Garifuna. We hope to take a trek through the rain forest and return unscathed (no snake bites, spider bites, typhoid, malaria, wild animal attacks or poison darts)!!!

Miles Dory leads our team comprised of his son Landan, veteran Belize mission members Ben and Shara Maxey, and me – Patricia Clevenger. My experience has been in business leader mission trips to Managua, Nicaragua and its surrounding peasant villages. While we may be few, scriptures abound with God’s use of individuals like young David and small groups such as the 12 apostles to accomplish His work. And most importantly, the One who gave it all, Jesus Christ as God’s one and only Son – changed the entire world.

We claim Acts 1:8 as our source, our strength and our assurance.

“But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends (the very bounds) of the earth. Acts 1:8 (Amplified Bible)

As we received the commission to “go ye therefore” this past Sunday morning, the mission became real to us. As some of you participated in the laying on of hands, and all of you prayed together as a church, the presence and power of our Lord was apparent. We covet your prayers throughout our short time in the field, June 2-13; please use your book markers to stay reminded of our daily needs, and feel free to pick more up at church and hand them out to others. Also, we hope you follow us as we try to update our blog (never sure of our access or electricity!) and share our journey with you through our stories.

Know this; we love and appreciate each and every one of our church family.

Patricia Philippians 1:3

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